Logo de consult@seznec.net IT Consulting focused on :
Knowledge Management, Electronic Commerce
and Cost Killing 
version française










consult@seznec.net advises companies, help on IT projects as a project manager, developper or consultant on the following IT domains :

  • September 2004 : launch of a new branch focused on remote medecine, subscription to the CATEL association.

  • Electronic Commerce : B2C/B2B/e-procurement sites set-up. Electronic Transaction Management.

  • Tools and Process to obtain cost reduction. IT Audit. Grid computing. Data grid.

  • Knowledge Management : KM portails set-up, experts localisation in large companies; with a partneship with the ecollaboration french portail.

In these three domains, consult@seznec.net proposes the best of breed software and the related best-practice methodology most-suited to your company's needs.

Through a network of technology partner and consulting ressource pool we provide you with the best solution at a very interesting cost.


© 2003-2004 consult@seznec.net Tous droits réservés.