Logo de consult@seznec.net IT Consulting focused on :
Knowledge Management, Electronic Commerce
and Cost Killing 
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Strategic Consulting
What opportunities Web Technologies present for you ? How they could help you to reduce cost, improve your turnover, the quality of your customer relationship ? How to accelerate information spreading inside your company or your channel partner ? consult@seznec.net helps you to answer to these questions, to define your objectives, to set-up a strategical view and to prepare indicators for the ROI of your project.

Temporary Management
We can replace for a certain period of time a project manager, a team leader.

Project Management
consult@seznec.net act as a project manager to handle IT project of his customers. These projects are driven toward success because consult@seznec.net has a long experience of planification, team animation and technology skills.

You wish to develop a specific application. With our know-how and experience consult@seznec.net will help you to specify and choose the best software package to build the application that match to your needs. We could deploy and maintain this application.



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